Terms & Conditions


  1. Fees paid is towards Conference Attendance, Delegate Kit, Lunch & Tea at the Conference venue for two days of the Seminar.
  2. This is a non-residential conference. Fees do not include any accommodation, travel or any other incidental costs/requirements of the Delegate.
  3. Delegates attending the Seminar are eligible to attend the Awards Function. Delegates passes are non – transferable.


  1. Registrations will be confirmed only after payment is received.
  2. Payment should be made in favor of “EXCOSA India Pvt. Ltd.” on online system.
  3. Confirmed delegates will be provided with a badge and delegate kit at the venue. Delegate Badges issued are "non-transferable”.
  4. The Organisers reserve the right to disallow a confirmed delegate from transferring his/ her badge to any other person.
  5. Delegates are requested to display these badges at all times. Please note that delegates will not be allowed to enter the conference halls without these badges.
  6. Delegates are personally responsible for their belongings at the venue. The Organizers or the venue Management will not be held responsible for any stolen or missing items belonging to Delegates, Speakers or Attendees.
  7. Proper care must be taken by each delegate to ensure against loss/ misplacement of badges and kits as no duplicate or replacement will be issued.


  1. Paid delegate fees will be adjusted in 2022 edition of In-Store Asia.
  2. Name changes /proxy names are gladly accepted at all times.


The producers of In-Store Asia Convention reserve the right to make necessary changes to the Agenda in order to best suit the objectives of the event. Every effort will be made to keep presentations and speakers as represented. However, unforeseen circumstances may result in the substitution or re-scheduling or cancellation of a presentation, topic or speaker - in part or whole.

If the Conference or Exhibition is abandoned, cancelled or suspended in whole or in part by reason of war, fire, acts of terrorism, national emergency, labor dispute, strike, lock-out, civil disturbance, inevitable accidents, the non-availability of the Exhibition premises, Acts of God or any other cause not within the control of the Organizers, the producers of the event will be under no obligation or liability to refund the whole or part of such participation fees, and will further be under no financial or other liability whether civil, criminal or of any other nature whatsoever towards delegates, patrons or business visitors in respect to any actions, claims, losses (including consequential losses), costs or expenses whatsoever which may be brought against or suffered or incurred by the delegates or business visitors as the result of the happening or non-happening of the event.